Friday, January 2, 2015


(Click on image for full size view)

Every New Year's Eve millions of people
make resolutions for the future.
Not a bad idea really.
It's always a good idea to look forward and give yourself challenges. Personally, it's not something I consciously do. I have plans stacked up so high into the future I cannot attach a dateline to it. 

For most professional photographers the end of the year means making those end-of-the-year purchases for tax reasons. Naturally, that plays into our futuristic outlook. I never buy equipment to save on tax expenditures. I purchase gear to enhance my photographic capabilities. Plus, it's so fun having new glass!

That said, I admit each year I look to traveling someplace I haven't visited. Diving into a new culture, an unusual landscape, or vibrant city excites the visual taste buds. You see new things and find fresh  ways to document them. I learn something new in each and every geographical location I visit and usually learn something about myself as well.

For 2015 plans already include Iceland, Greenland (Mentor Series), Cuba, Ireland, Scotland (PhotoZoneTours), and Costa Rica, Belize, Italy and even our 23rd year of a photo dogsledding adventure next month right here in Minnesota.

If I can offer any advice towards your 2015 outlooks for creating photographs, it is take your camera someplace you have never gone. Find a new way to communicate through your lens. Make the images you capture your own. When you make it personal, you develop your style.

So, CHEERS to a booming and fruitful 2015!

layne & gang